3 minutes
Downloading Videos From Put.io using their API
Downloading videos from Put.io using their API and Python
Automated downloading of videos from put.io
I wanted to automatically download new videos from put.io as they got added to my account, so I took a look at their API and built a python script to do it. The script descends into the parent folder and any child folders and looks for video files that are above a certain size, and don’t contain the word “sample” in them. After all the videos that meet that criteria have been downloaded (using aria2c), the script deletes all the folders and cleans the History and Transfers tab.
Here is the script:
import requests
import json
import time
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import datetime
# put.io monitoring and downloading
# Check if file exists before proceeding
file = "/tmp/tv_download"
one_day = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
# If the file exists, exit
if os.path.isfile(file):
filetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(file))
if filetime > one_day:
# If the file doesn't exist create it
use_file = open(file, "w")
use_file.write("In use")
# Base URL and OAUTH token
url = "https://api.put.io/v2/"
oauth = "?oauth_token=<INSERT OAUTH TOKEN>"
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
file_urls = {}
# This function adds {file_id: download_url} of files we want to file_urls, recursively
def get_video_urls(file):
# If the file type is a FOLDER, recursively descend into it
if file['file_type'] == 'FOLDER':
# Grab the folder id
folder_id = str(file['id'])
# If its not an empty folder
if file['size'] != 0:
# Get the list of children in the folder
folder_list = requests.get(url + "files/list" + oauth,
params={'parent_id': folder_id}).json()
# Process each child
for child in folder_list['files']:
# If it is empty, add it to the file_urls dict and mark it as null for deletion
file_urls.update({folder_id: "null"})
# If its a file we want
if file['file_type'] == "VIDEO" and "sample" not in file['name'] and file['size'] > 50000000:
# Grab it's ID
video_id = str(file['id'])
# Get the download URL
video_url_request = requests.head(url + "files/" + video_id + "/download" + oauth, headers=headers)
video_url_headers = video_url_request.headers
video_url = str(video_url_headers['Location'])
# Add the ID and URL to file_urls{}
file_urls.update({video_id: video_url})
# Else its a junk file
# Grab it's ID
video_id = str(file['id'])
# If it is junk add it to the file_urls dict and mark it as null for deletion
file_urls.update({folder_id: "null"})
# Get files/folder in the specific folder given
other_child_list = requests.get(url + "files/list" + oauth,
params={'parent_id':'<FOLDER ID>'}).json()
# Kick off the descending into the "Other" folder
for child in other_child_list['files']:
# For each URL we get in the file_urls dict
for file_url in file_urls:
# If we have a video file to download
if file_urls.get(file_url) != "null":
# Download it with aria2c and store the return code
return_code = subprocess.call(["aria2c", "-c", "-q", "-x8", "-d",
"/downloads", "--log-level=error", file_urls.get(file_url)])
# If aria2c completed successfully delete the file
if return_code == 0:
file_deletion_data = {'file_ids': str(file_url)}
file_delete_request = requests.post(url + "files/delete" + oauth,
# Else we have an empty folder to delete
file_deletion_data = {'file_ids': str(file_url)}
file_delete_request = requests.post(url + "files/delete" + oauth,
# Pause to let the put.io API catch up
# Clean the history tab
requests.post(url + "events/delete" + oauth)
# Pause again to let the request kick in
# Clean the tranfers tab
requests.post(url + "transfers/clean" + oauth)
# Remove the file when we are done